The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Deck feels great! I didn't want to pony up more than half of my remaining shiftstone for the for Syls, so I replaced them with Milos, Rebel Bomber. Not as powerful, but helpful when I'm stuck on 3 and still forces some decisions. Well done!
Been trying to get over the hump from gold to diamond for most of the month. Got there with this. Thank you for sharing. I was already plugging away with a Stonescar list, but it was grindy sac and I was being punished for trying to grind out slow wins. Aggro got me where I wanted to go! Now, I’m gonna play jank and hand out some free wins to my fellows in Gold 1 for a couple days.