This is a for-fun mostly budget gauntlet deck. If you need a break from grinding and just want to do some silly things, this is a good deck for it.
The premise is that we're taking advantage of the cost-stats mismatch that Recruit generates on cards like
Smoke Shaper in conjunction with transform spells like
Unstable Form to generate quick board presence. Use sweepers (Hailstrom and friends) and 2-drops to keep the game from getting away from you, then try to set up a turn where you're playing 2 or 3 bodies off of recruit followed by a transform spell or two.
The deck is not optimized, so there are a lot of changes you can make if you're so inclined.
Your goal in any given game is to just keep the board neutral or favorable long enough to generate a series of transforms that make your board terrifying (with charge!). Enjoy!