The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Deck Rarities
37 51 48 4 9
Card Types
1 100 4 0 50
Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Into Shadow [Set1004]
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Awakening [Set1095]
Stormbreak [Set1107]
Hour of Glass [Set1115]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]
The Devouring [Set1145]
Tempo Control
November 19, 2023
November 18, 2023
Eternal Version
Battle Lines
BBCode For Comments
Deck URL
Revisions (Since last major patch) November 19, 2023