The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
It's my opinion; four Wrath of Caiphus are a bit difficult to play especially maltifaction deck, so better to change other lower cost cards like Seek Power, Petition, etc. What do you think?
Generally, for Rebuild deck, Wrath functions to get you power as well as give you a draw 7 when you are comboing off. You are correct that in a multifaction deck, relying on the pay 2 effect is not as efficient to meet your requirements.
I think that for now decks capable of counterspelling are also decks capable of fast removing 1-1 single-fraction dude, so the whole concept of splashing Primal is doubtful for me. What do you think?
I agree, after testing it's just too slow. This latest edit finally got some influence consistency, but you don't gain anything from the splash. I like the concept of having a creature that protects your spells AND grows each time you cast one, but Eternal isn't the kind of card game where that strategy works.
What do you think?
What do you think?