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Changed this to be an event deck for the Bountiful Harvest event as it seems to work very well for that. 7-1 on my first run. Just make sure that you have enough influence in your hand to play your cards when deciding to keep or mulligan.
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Why hello reactor forge! Ever since bulletshaper got nerfed this deck was on the shelf for me, but reactor forge fills in the slot in an even better way, being harder to remove, producing more mana, and not requiring an additional spell to work! The forge works particularly well in an even deck, as it lets you go naturally from 2 power to 4 to 6 to 8. Beyond that, it works as a great power sink for tota pioneer.
This deck is about generating a whole lot of power and putting big creatures onto the battlefield. The new
Rakano Cylix works very well with Tota Pioneer and Bulletshaper.