Typical Oni strategy here - buff with warcry, weapons and Finest Hour to activate those Mastery effects!
Aim for Akko on turn 1 and buff him with weapons and Finest Hour to get his Mastery effect early for the win. He is great later game too, as warcry will often buff him into a meaty unit.
Jishu should be turn 2, followed by Artisan if there is a choice. Don’t forget Jishu’s onslaught effect to fetch those weapons!
Lots of card draw if you can get synergy between Jishu and Quartermaster going, though can be difficult to keep both on the board.
Weapons can be mixed and matched; I chose Kalebs Persuader because it fetches sigils, ramping quickly towards Rujin or Icaria
0 cost relic / weapon / permafrost removal
5 damage spell for Justice or Primal units
Icaria the for a surprise finisher
Press The Advantage for aegis; much needed! So don’t forget about that Bargain effect.
Feel free to suggest any tweaks or replacements in the comments