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Gleeful Volatile Burn [Top 100]

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




AWAKENING UPDATE: The printing of dazzle and rise of mono primal has made this deck SIGNIFICANTLY worse in the meta. Craft at your own risk, and be very wary of opponents with open power and primal influence.

With Obliterate coming to expedition this month, I got real excited to make a volatility burn deck in expedition - 12 hits is the absolute bare minimum I'm willing to have in a volatility deck, and my flash fires and thunder of wings were getting lonely. I also got excited that this volatility burn deck might be a good home for Sandbinder Mage, a really sweet but woefully underused card in my opinion.

Unusual card choices:
Some praxis aggro staples such as milos, rebel bomber and auralian smuggler are notably missing from this list. Milos in particular would be great for this deck to fight face aegis and life gain, but Rust Machine has EARNED its spot in the deck. Playing a 5-cost spell on turn 4 and flooding the board with rustlings are both huge in aggro mirrors, especially when the opponent goes first. Overheating Minibot hits for 3 and ramps you when it can't attack productively anymore. 5-cost spells on turn 4! They used to be Incendiary Slagmites in an older version of the deck, but I am not good enough at mindgames to make my opponents pull the firebomb very often.

Volatile Grenadin has pleasantly surprised me. Dealing at 4 damage to face and leaving a body on board to exhaust for etchings or thunder is the most common scenario, but popping a face aegis to force the big burn spells through is a great result too.

Volatility is the first market pull almost every time, and that would usually prompt me to put a card in the maindeck, but I think having 4 extra ways to find your first volatility is more important than the possibility of drawing a second one.

Touch of force targeting gleeful firebrand and flash fire is the big meme dream. Kills from 25 if you have 10 fire influence, which is VERY attainable in this deck with fire symbols and evangels.

Pillage hits those troublesome rolants and sandstorm titans as well as being some emergency burn.

Corrosive dagger can power up a gleeful firebrand's board control abilities as well as making some blockers against other aggro decks. This is the market card I'm least sure about, but hey we're super deep in fire and it's a pet card of mine so why not?

Furnace mage is my attachment removal of choice because siege breaker isn't in expedition and I am a big proponent of having one 4-drop in any merchant market to smooth out the curve.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
23 10 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
17 33 16 5

Card Types
33 1 21 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]


August 31, 2020


Eternal Version

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megajenius Edited Eternal Version: 20.08.10
I think you meant to name this deck "Lolatility"... I'll see myself out.

In all seriousness looks great! Building now =)