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Sealed September pool

Event Deck By

Work in Progress
1 Card icon for Fallen Oni Fallen Oni x1 1 Card icon for Fearless Nomad Fearless Nomad x1 1 Card icon for Feed the Flames Feed the Flames x1 1 Card icon for Feral Spiteling Feral Spiteling x1 1 Card icon for Hearty Stranger Hearty Stranger x1 1 Card icon for Hidden Shiv Hidden Shiv x1 1 Card icon for Humbug Humbug x1 1 Card icon for Light 'em Up Light 'em Up x1 1 Card icon for Lock Horns Lock Horns x1 1 Card icon for Rambot Rambot x1 1 Card icon for Safe Return Safe Return x1 1 Card icon for Sandstorm Scarf Sandstorm Scarf x1 1 Card icon for Sewer Sludge Sewer Sludge x1 1 Card icon for Shiver Shiver x1 1 Card icon for Swear Vengeance Swear Vengeance x1 1 Card icon for Valkyrie Aspirant Valkyrie Aspirant x1 1 Card icon for Veteran Strategist Veteran Strategist x1 1 Card icon for Water of Life Water of Life x1 1 Card icon for Yeti Spy Yeti Spy x1 1 Card icon for Young Gun Young Gun x1 2 Card icon for Argenport Stranger Argenport Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Back-Alley Delinquent Back-Alley Delinquent x1 2 Card icon for Bring Down Bring Down x1 2 Card icon for Cloudsnake Breeder Cloudsnake Breeder x1 2 Card icon for Crownwatch Paladin Crownwatch Paladin x1 2 Card icon for Evelina, Valley Searcher Evelina, Valley Searcher x1 2 Card icon for Gruanform Gruanform x1 2 Card icon for Hooru Stranger Hooru Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Inspire Inspire x1 2 Card icon for Master-at-Arms Master-at-Arms x1 2 Card icon for Piercing Shot Piercing Shot x1 2 Card icon for Portent Reader Portent Reader x2 2 Card icon for Praxis Stranger Praxis Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Purify Purify x1 2 Card icon for Quicktrigger Outlaw Quicktrigger Outlaw x1 2 Card icon for Read the Stars Read the Stars x1 2 Card icon for Reunite Reunite x1 2 Card icon for Rockslide Rockslide x1 2 Card icon for Sand Viper Sand Viper x1 2 Card icon for Sandstorm Sandstorm x2 2 Card icon for Scaly Gruan Scaly Gruan x1 2 Card icon for Sparring Partner Sparring Partner x1 2 Card icon for Talon of Nostrix Talon of Nostrix x1 2 Card icon for Threaten Threaten x1 3 Card icon for Aerialist Trainer Aerialist Trainer x1 3 Card icon for Amaran Camel Amaran Camel x1 3 Card icon for Crownwatch Deserter Crownwatch Deserter x2 3 Card icon for Decay Decay x1 3 Card icon for Deft Strike Deft Strike x1 3 Card icon for Disciplined Amanera Disciplined Amanera x1 3 Card icon for Grit Grit x1 3 Card icon for Hair-Trigger Pistol Hair-Trigger Pistol x1 3 Card icon for Manufacture Manufacture x1 3 Card icon for Refracted Sentinel Refracted Sentinel x1 3 Card icon for Reinforced Baton Reinforced Baton x1 3 Card icon for Saddle Up Saddle Up x1 3 Card icon for Skysnapper Skysnapper x1 3 Card icon for Sorrow's Shroud Sorrow's Shroud x1 3 Card icon for Spellshield Architect Spellshield Architect x1 3 Card icon for Warpainter Warpainter x1 4 Card icon for Beckoning Lumen Beckoning Lumen x1 4 Card icon for Gravemarker Oni Gravemarker Oni x1 4 Card icon for Kyrex Coach Driver Kyrex Coach Driver x1 4 Card icon for Lumen Attendant Lumen Attendant x1 4 Card icon for Mortar Mortar x2 4 Card icon for Overheat Overheat x1 4 Card icon for Rabblerouser Rabblerouser x1 4 Card icon for Scalechannel Sorcerer Scalechannel Sorcerer x1 4 Card icon for Serpent Trainer Serpent Trainer x1 4 Card icon for Sky Crew Sky Crew x2 4 Card icon for Soul Collector Soul Collector x2 4 Card icon for Yeti Troublemaker Yeti Troublemaker x1 5 Card icon for Cliffside Caretaker Cliffside Caretaker x1 5 Card icon for First-Frost Shaman First-Frost Shaman x1 5 Card icon for Pensive Lumen Pensive Lumen x1 5 Card icon for Pit Fighter Pit Fighter x2 5 Card icon for Robobuddy Robobuddy x1 5 Card icon for Skywalk Instructor Skywalk Instructor x2 5 Card icon for Umbren Thirster Umbren Thirster x2 6 Card icon for Civic Peacekeeper Civic Peacekeeper x1 6 Card icon for Horngrinder Horngrinder x1 6 Card icon for Silverwing Purgeleader Silverwing Purgeleader x1 6 Card icon for Spirit Drain Spirit Drain x1 6 Card icon for Stonescar Maul Stonescar Maul x1 7 Card icon for Adaptive Predator Adaptive Predator x1 7 Card icon for Mistveil Drake Mistveil Drake x1 Card icon for Shadow Sigil Shadow Sigil x1 Card icon for Rakano Banner Rakano Banner x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 22: Distant Visions
September 1-30, 2018
Following Talir’s cryptic warning, Eilyn and Kaleb journey to the distant Praxis Arcanum to consult with the mages there.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
1 1 1 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
64 24 8

Card Types
61 7 27 0 2


September 2, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

BBCode For Comments

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