This deck contains a bit of everything you might need for dealing with the current Expedition meta. Whether your opponent is focusing on units with revenge, board control with spells, going full aggro or just leaning into relic shenanigans there are multiple tools in here to break their strategy. It won't win every time, but it definitely makes for fun games and rewards good play.
Note - This deck was primarily assembled to play around with the new promo card and be adaptable with strategies. If you want to tune it further you may look to dial in the power draw (as discussed in the comments) or adjust the ratio of counter-spell/relic cards. The deck also has the ability to slug it out in long games, so if you have a big higher power finisher you want to throw in the mix (maybe Stormhalt Plating instead of Duelist's Blade?) that could be an option.
Auren Condemnation has just sat in my hand a lot, but it did flat out win me one game, and it can be used for Steyer fuel otherwise.