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Rank 11 Skycrag Heroes

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




I made it to masters at rank 25, and then decided to make and play this deck for fun. It ended up being more competitive than I expected, and I ended up climbing to rank 11. It is a hero tribal list with the payoffs being Xultan Ambassador and Throne room. Most of the hero choices are self-explanatory, and a lot then were chosen specifically to synergize with Throne Room.

Some of the choices I'm not sure about.
Jeering Yeti: Wanted to make sure I had something to play on T2, as the deck can be a bit slow. Also helps make power drops and it's nice that it is a yeti for Wump. Another fixer or 2-drop might be better though.

The whole market needs a makeover too.
The Mass Production can work out well, but you need to plan ahead and get it early so it only costs 2 or 3 by the time you play it.

Comments and suggestions welcome!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
4 4

Power Sources
21 20 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
9 20 12 8 25

Card Types
38 5 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Awakening [Set1095]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]


July 12, 2023

July 11, 2023


Eternal Version
The Devouring

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) July 12, 2023



PandaMan0 Eternal Version: 23.05.24
Could consider Belligerent Yeti for 2-drop - is a yeti so it procs with Wump, but can also be twisted on demand to either hit face or as removal
Bradifer Eternal Version: 23.05.24
I wonder if Tripwire Grenadin or Autotread still fit in here somewhere?
They're both cheap and enable Throne & Frenzy triggers very easily outside of combat.

For Heroes what about Gareth, Veteran Lantern on 3 or Kazuo on 1?
Clodagh & Endra seem underwhelming but I get you need some amount of cheap heroes.
The Seed Whisperer or Altin have their own purposes. Faegis & Block flying wasps etc.

Vadius, Clan Father seems decent too if you can get in with a 3/1 quickdraw. Lipa is an aegis flyer that is often hard to kill too.

Just some ideas. :)
TemporaryWitness Eternal Version: 23.05.24
I'm trying out Altin now, and I think I prefer him over Clodagh. Endra has been good enough in my games so far. Thanks for the suggestions!