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Minotaur Reanimator

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve





This is the Combo/Control deck that I took to Masters this season. The deck aims to control the board and survive until Tavrod, Auric Broker has dumped a few cards into the void. The deck's long term wincon is to reanimate Vara, Fate-Touched into Grinva, Judge of Battles but in most match-ups the deck wins by out-valuing the opponent's removal suite.

Card Explanations:

Protect: I try to save this card for silence effects (unless I'm behind on board) since I have multiple ways to recur creatures from my void. Keep in mind you can cast this card on an opposing aegis creature to pop the aegis before silencing or killing them (notably Bartholo, the Seducer). Also. casting it on yourself in response to your opponent's Steward of the Past will save all the creatures in your void. Only playing as a 2-of since drawing more than 2 early on is a waste of space in your hand. Remember that after casting this on a creature, reanimating it will reactivate the aegis.

Vanquish: Great removal spell but only playing as a 3-of since it does not hit many cards in hyper aggressive decks.

Vara's Favor: Since we aim to hit 8 power each game, we need more than 25 cards that give power. Excellent early game removal and always useful to pop aegis.

Bloodletter: This card is MVP for helping the deck stabilize and take over the game. Even though it is the only weapon target for Tavrod, Auric Broker, it is still just a 2-of because we don't want to draw more of them and not have creatures on board to equip.

Copperhall Bailiff: This is the only other minotaur that made the cut for this deck. It's effect is amazing against aggro, useful for popping aegis, and also lessens Dawnwalker's damage until you can find a way to silence it.

Extract: Great removal for aggressive Rakano and Stonescar decks and gives you a way to remove smaller relic weapons against Armory.

Privilege of Rank: Great synergy with Tavrod, Auric Broker's discard effect and helps get the deck to 8 power.

Slay: Kill a unit.

Valkyrie Enforcer: Effect is amazing especially for a 3 power 3/3 flyer. Your only way to block fliers. Remember that Grasping at Shadows does not have a faction requirement like Vara.

Steward of the Past: MVP against all other recursion decks and comes with great stats.

Grasping at Shadows: Gives you 4 extra copies of your favorite creature (in your void). If Tavrod, Auric Broker discards Vara, Fate-Touchedr, you can cast her as early as turn 6 and have power available for Protect.

Harsh Rule: Premium removal which also serves as a wincon with Grinva, Judge of Battles.

Tavrod, Auric Broker: The core of this deck. If you have Protect in hand and power, I would wait to play him turn 6. Otherwise I slam him turn 5 every game. This deck only plays 10 minotaurs and 2 weapons so chances are good you will not hit anything... but he fills your void! Each time you miss increases your odds of hitting something the next time he swings that game =D (When you first swing with him, you have ~10 targets left in your deck of ~60 cards so 1 in 6 and you're only looking at the top 5... my advice is to pray!)

Grinva, Judge of Battles: Late game win condition.Vara, Fate-Touched -> Vara, Fate-Touched -> Vara, Fate-Touched -> Grinva, Judge of Battles has been a common play with next turn swing with everything but Grinva, Judge of Battles and then following it up with a Harsh Rule (while being careful that your opponent doesn't have access to a fast spell to kill/silence Grinva, Judge of Battles in response to Harsh Rule)

Vara, Fate-Touched: Reanimate your shadow creatures! Especially other copies of herself.

Pretty self explanatory. We do not want Gemblade for Tavrod, Auric Broker since we want 8 power.

Notable Exclusions:
Sporefolk was in the deck all the way up to Diamond 1 but I decided to cut him in favor of full playsets of Valkyrie Enforcer and Steward of the Past. He was a great card for filling the yard early and triggering Vara, Fate-Touched later on but he felt unnecessary with Tavrod, Auric Broker fulfilling the same role later in the game.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
17 16 8

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
10 16 22 10

Card Types
22 2 26 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


October 10, 2017

October 6, 2017


Eternal Version
The Tale of Horus Traver

BBCode For Comments

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jihadnafsi Eternal Version: 1.25.1
Wondering about Copperhall Bailiff here, I'm running streetwise informant. The unblockable makes it a good target for bloodletter and also the shadow makes it a vara target too.

I'm also running 4 Blood letters and only 2 Stewards. To help with stabilization and give tavrod a couple more targets.

This deck is pretty slow to begin with and suffers against heavy aggro. But overall i'm doing well with it and laddering.
BadBug Eternal Version: 1.25.1
Thanks for sharing this great deck !
Small question - which hand do I want to start with using this deck ?
themathwhiz Eternal Version: 1.25.1
Hmm... I always mulligan if I have 2 or less power in my starting hand without Vara's Favor. As for keeps, I'd say anything with 3-5 power with removal and without grinva, vara, or bloodletter. Sorry can't be of more help >.<
FafaPapa Eternal Version: 1.25.1
Hello, I really like your deck but I'm a bit worried by how you deal with relics. Is that a problem during your matches? Thx
themathwhiz Eternal Version: 1.25.1
The only deck I had a noticeably negative winrate against was Chalice so yes, relics can definitely be a problem. The only card I considered was Azindel's Gift if thats the matchup you have issues with.
FafaPapa Eternal Version: 1.25.1
Ok, thank you for the advice.
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
do you really need 4 grasp?
themathwhiz Eternal Version: 1.25.1
Need? No. Want? I do believe so. If you don't own them the deck will be fine with 2 or 3!
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Fedayeen Eternal Version: 1.25.1
I own them, I just think you`ll sometimes be stuck with it in your hand with no units in the void
Hosed Edited Eternal Version: 1.25
After playing the new Tavrod Armory list going around and climbing through Diamond Rank 2 with that, I plateaued in Diamond Rank 1. Bloody Feln Control decks were killing me constantly (Gift is just brutal to control lists). Tried some other stuff and wasn't getting anywhere.

Then I decided to try this list out since I loved the old reanimator play-style.

Your list got me straight through to Masters!

I was hesitant to craft additional copies of Grinva, but he's the star of this list. Hard counter to Armory and board clears in general and combined with Vara, turn after turn, eventually, they have to give up :)
themathwhiz Eternal Version: 1.25
Auric runehammer doesn't really help me stabilize. I am currently testing bloodletter though.

Grinva is the only one that can deal that much damage in one hit =/ the deck runs fine without him but you lose that wincon.
Arkimedes Edited Eternal Version: 1.25
Auric Runehammer looks a good choice here, why you don't put it?
Also I really like Grinva, but don't have it and don't own the Shiftstone to craft him. Is there any replace? :(
Whiskerbro Edited Eternal Version: 1.25.1
(Pretty sure Grinva is a lady Minotaur) but to answer your question, you could maybe try playing other expensive good reanimator targets like Venomspine Hydra(if you have that), Slimespitter Slug, or Shadowlands Feaster? I don't think any of those would be nearly as good as the Grinva, but the deck wouldn't be completely ruined or anything.