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Scattershot OTK (ft. Stoneshaker, Knucklebones)

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Combo: Play Stoneshaker three times. Play Iceberg Scattershot, and then play a 0 cost Recurring Nightmare which will deal 1 damage to the enemy face and then return to your hand to be repeated until the enemy is dead! You can queue up additional plays by spam clicking.

Definitely not top tier, but I don't think this is a meme deck either. I've been winning quite a bit.

Pretty bad versus aggro, however the market allows us to play Knucklebones as a one-card plan B win condition. Versus aggro, if we draw Gorgon Fanatic we can lower the priority of elaborate Stoneshaker setups and just play to stay alive and draw answers. Then we win with memes after stabilizing.

The deck is also weak to people who know what you're doing holding onto a torch to kill a combo piece. If you think they have an answer, try to go off when they have 0 mana (or 1 mana versus Desert Marshal). Alternatively, save Haunting Scream or Dark Return to revive a killed combo piece.

Stoneshaker is your favorite card to mulligan for. Chump block with these, sac them with Devour and Combust, bring them back again with Dark Return and Haunting Scream. All minions are reduced in cost, most notably Gorgon Fanatic, and thus after cards are cheap we can quickly cycle through our entire deck once a Iceberg Scattershot is in play and with the help of Dark Return and Haunting Scream. Don't worry about going over 12 cards and discarding combo pieces, you can always bring them back.

Never keep more than 0-1 Recurring Nightmare in your mulligan, since your main win condition is to draw one after three cost reductions (or two and a lucky Quarry) and we have no way to tutor for them. If not 0 cost, these are fodder to throw away with Ixtun Merchant, Strategize, and Nocturnal Observer. Note that at 1 cost one can still pump these up repeatedly, and then attack face after killing off Iceberg Scattershot for cheesy wins.

Ixtun Merchant is amazing for reliability, since it allows us to play 7 copies of our first Stoneshaker, and also retrieve Iceberg Scattershot on demand if we draw a cost reduced Gorgon Fanatic or zero cost Recurring Nightmare. Bore is situationally great, and consider your matchup. Hold onto a merchant whenever Feln is running Kerendon Merchant so you don't lose to Azindel's Gift, or in general versus Praxis or Chalice so that you can kill Xenan Obelisk and

Our second favorite card after Recurring Nightmare to dump away is a power card. Our curve is very low, and after 3 mana we pretty much always swap out power over other cards. An easy mistake to make is to think you should play a power card every turn - when hand size is low, after 4-5 mana you may want to hold on. It more important to have filler cards in your hand to swap away than it is to play a power card every turn. Note that the low curve is why we don't have a power in our sideboard.

Keep in mind that Haunting Scream can be comboed with any of our non-Recurring Nightmare units to activate their effects, not just Gorgon Fanatic. This is often useful to grab cards out of the market. It is best to use screams on Stoneshaker first, but more importantly one must not run out of cards and end up in topdeck mode. There is a careful balance here.

The deck seems pretty refined, but please tell me if you have any suggestions! The Knucklebones plan seems correct, but there are certainly other options:
- Quarry for general value and cycling.
- Miner's Musket for weak removal plus a chance to highroll by hitting Recurring Nightmare (although this would make much more sense in the maindeck to be playable turn 2, there's just no room).
- Crimson Firemaw for value and highroll potential (although much less due to reducing all cards rather than just units).
- Rockslide for anti aggro/aegis removal.
- Kaleb's Choice to stop torches from combo breaking (although we already have Haunting Scream and Dark Return for this)

By the way, I did not come up with the concept myself, lists have been floating around Reddit and Discord and this one is mostly copied from a Reddit post.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 1 1

Power Sources
12 11 12 12 2

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
30 25 24 1

Card Types
24 1 30 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


July 3, 2018

July 1, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

BBCode For Comments

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BiblicalBeluga Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Is quarry 100% necessary for this deck to work? I haven't purchased the campaigns.
firerogue517 Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
Hello! This deck looks super neat!
I play felnscar scream as my primary deck, so I tried to draw on that experience to tweak the deck a bit.
The biggest weakness that strikes me is the lack of Grenadin Drone. It's really good in the aggro matchup, and is really important to powering the madness/combust/devour package. I'm also personally not a fan of Nocturnal Observer, especially if you're struggling against aggro. It's possible that just swaping those two cards would also work, but I opted to go a different direction and try cutting the madness/combust/devour package altogether.
I'd be really thankful if you took a look and told me what you think!
Scattershot Nightmare OTK
Tinkady Eternal Version: 1.36
We already have a great combust target in Stoneshaker, and often we need to sac him in order to bring him back (because smart opponents won't do it for us).

Observer is indeed bad vs aggro, the only reason I'm hesitant to cut him is that it cycles for 0 when we're popping off.

I actually recently switched to running which is much stronger versus aggro because 1. you don't need to do anything special in the earlygame, and can still combo later, 2. blue merchant blocks without getting torched, 3. 4 permafrosts and 4 hailstorms.

Regarding your deck - I'm already running 8 anti-torch cards in dark return and haunting scream. I don't think caleb is necessary, especially since it's fast nature is wasted in the market.

Feeding time is too expensive for this deck. Run more permafrosts instead, or a polymorph in AP Midrange metas.
firerogue517 Eternal Version: 1.36
My concern is that you can't combust stoneshaker before turn 4, at which point you could already be getting rolled over.
I definitely hear you about Feeding Time, I'll make the switch to permafrost #2.
And about the Choice: my assumption would be that you could get the read on the matchup ahead of time and pull it before you combo if you're concerned about fast speed removal. What would you suggest playing in the slot instead?
Niamak Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
I love this deck ! It feels pretty strong against control decks. I don't feel like Knucklebones is worth it against aggro because usually I already lost before 7-8 power or I have OTK combo ready.

What do you think about replacing waystones with Shugo Standard and Clan Standard.

Market doesn't allow to play more than 4 copies of a card unless I'm missing something.
Tinkady Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
The trick versus aggro is to do literally whatever it takes to survive, and not worry about the combo. Knucklebones lets you win once they are out of steam. At least that's the idea. Maybe you can win anyways in those situations...

Clan standard is a very good idea. My instinct is that we value the non depleted power too much. Shugo standard seems not worth it, since by turn 5 you have better ways of making the gorgon hit the face.