So I wanted to build a cradle deck while at work the other day out of boredom and this was the final result of that. It has been successful but it struggles against Combrie Aggro decks. So maybe if you try this deck and make any changes that could help, let me know either on here or my Twitch channel. Hope you enjoy!
For the cradle version, I recommend cutting 3x Channel for 2x Eilyn's Favor and 1x Re-Read (Grabbing re-read with garden can be extremely good). Between Greed's Reward, Prodigious Sorcery, and your Emblems, you are very rarely getting to 9 (and if you do, you probably should have killed them with double damage Char and Streets Aflame by then).
Against anyone who doesn't have a 2 or 3 turn clock, garden into sorcery is often lethal if you have 2 face burns in hand.