On Revelations release day the first deck I ended up brewing and creating was TJP
Temporal Distortion control. However as I quickly found out although we received access to
Temporal Distortion TJP just didn’t have the legs to carry it in the current expedition format. So soon after my teammate Spiffirific ended up creating a TPS version of the deck. Being the dirty control lover I am I tried it out almost immediately after I saw him playing it. Now after playing a ton of games with his expedition version I came up with two major thoughts. Control while viable in expedition is mid tier two at best, secondly it was incredibly fun to play especially with some of the new cards in the set. So I thought why not take this concept and apply it to throne? So that’s exactly what I did I don’t take credit for making the deck spiff takes that I just took the concept applied my own spin and made it a throne suitable deck. This is the very first iteration. So there will likely be a lot of major and minor changes to this deck so stay tuned for those! As I will update this deck regularly until I can get it as optimized as possible. All in all I don’t expect that this deck will be higher than tier two but for the control lovers it should still be a fun deck to play regardless.