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Tournament Information

ECL Casual Friday
December 21, 2018


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 3

Power Sources
11 16 19 15

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
15 22 21 20

Card Types
23 7 29 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Into Shadow [Set1004]


December 22, 2018


Eternal Version

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PredakingSP Eternal Version: 1.42
But, Smuggler and Merchant doesn´t work together...
Abeneezer Eternal Version: 1.42
They do. Merchants can access a black market but smugglers can't access a regular market.
PredakingSP Eternal Version: 1.42
If I put both together, always have a market, never have a black market...
abby315 Eternal Version: 1.42
81 card maindeck? Anyone know what the idea is behind the one-of top ends?
PapaCapricorn Eternal Version: 1.42
Potent relics can be drawn with 'Display of Knowledge' late game once the Power and Influence requirements have been met. Until then, you store them in your Market or Strategize (or Scout) them away until needed.
abby315 Eternal Version: 1.42
Ah - missed that mode on Display - assumed it was in as a removal spell. Congrats, looks like a fun deck!
Abeneezer Eternal Version: 1.42
But why are you playing 81 cards in main? Cut 6 cards.
PapaCapricorn Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
The six extra cards are four situational Relics and two Power cards. Since you can draw the Relics at will with Display of Knowledge, there is very little downside to including them. A costly or unplayable Relic can be stored in the Market for later use. It can also be Scouted or otherwise moved to the bottom of the deck using Strategize, and then you can get it back later when the situation calls for it. Display of Knowledge has other uses of course, but in this deck it functions mostly as a 3-cost Celestial Omen for specific answers.
Abeneezer Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
These are just not reasons to run more than 75 cards. With less cards you will more consistently draw the best cards of your deck.
Wok Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
The best card of the deck is a tutor (4x) to draw the situationally best relic (1x) of the deck.
Rellik47 Eternal Version: 1.42
Lol he won first place in a tourney and you teach him what to do? 😂😂😂
VoidKing Eternal Version: 1.42
Sry, but Abeneezer and toast are right. Not downing the deck builder, but what if you needed that smuggler or display, and you drew a janky ass madness instead?

It really is deck building 101.

Still I'd like to entertain constructing this deck when the correct six cards get cut, as I like a strong toolbox build and have yet to see a good one in Eternal. This particular new display makes this interesting.
ToastFaceKillah Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
It's an interesting deck but Abeneezer is right, winning record or no. Unless every single card in the deck is necessary for it to function properly, the extra cards dilute it and the 6 worst should be cut. Deckbuilding 101. The fact that it won with 81 cards just means it could win even more often with the right 75. I wonder if it wouldn't be better to cut Sudden Schism, Madness and/or Devour and adding a few less cute but more reliable cards.
Abeneezer Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
A casual tournament. A tournament very well known to host extreme jank. It's like saying you won a tournament with your friends. Did you win a tournament? Yes. Does it say anything about your deck? No.

Go look at the decklists in the tournament and tell me with a straight face that those are meta decks.
PapaCapricorn Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
Although I did go undefeated in this tournament (6-0), it is a small sample size and a Casual event not known for being especially competitive. I'm using the same list on ladder around ~1200 in Masters and have a 60% win rate over 38 games. It is still early to tell how viable this will be in the long run, but the results are good so far and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
vampikachu Eternal Version: 1.42
I’ve lost to you a couple of times on ladder now. And both times I was just blindsided haha great deck! Good results!
PapaCapricorn Eternal Version: 1.42
Oh hey vampikachu, yes I recognize your name - ggs.