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Feln control (Rank 1 january 2018)

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While I was climbing to masters, I noticed that more than 70% of my matches were against: fire aggro variants (rakano, stonescar, 3fgunslinger mostly) and justice midrange control (argenport and armory variants.)

This deck is the result of my attempt to "solve" this meta. It is a variation on the stock feln control list, but I believe it to be way better for laddering, as It took me from diamond 2 to rank 1 in about 5 hours. 8

(for proof)

This archetype is currently undeplayed on ladder (I had just 1 mirror in all my climb), but it's probably the one I find the most fun at the moment: lot of micro decisions and ways to acquire incremental value. The outcome of matches is not decided by a single power play, as a Tavrod, but rather from your overall sequencing and strategizing.

It also mean it requires more time to master, but I think it's worth it. I hope this guide will make other give it a try!

Some note on my card choices:


I'm playing the full 4, plus 2 in the form of devastating setback. I see that some people don't really like this card as it can either wiff or be underwhelming, but your whole strategy crumbles in front of relic weapons. The best way to win the armory or control matchup is to strip answers and relic weapon out of their hand, lay a threat they can't answer, - usually champion of cunning - and ride it to victory before they can outdraw you. This kind of strategy of going down is only possible, when it happens, thanks to this card type.


After lighting strike, this is the best card in feln colors against aggro. I am playing the full 4, as I find the versatility, removal, relic weapon killer, scout, heal to be worth the times it's dead in your hand. You can also combine it with dead lightning storms to kill big things like tavrods. I think that with strategize you can be a bit looser with cards who are only good in specific matchup, as you can bottom them.

Deathstrike + feeding time:

the stock list was playing 4, I'm playing 7. The reason is that is you don't kill tavrod before it attacks, you lose. Same with icaria. You always need to have an answer for those. 4 is not enough, as they can also be running their won sabotages.


Just one: when it's dead, it's really dead, - no way to recycle it. The meta is slow enough at the moment that you can afford to lean on to more expensive removals.

Swindle + withering witch + lightning strike:

All of those were removed. Swindle, because i don't find it worth to cast without spark, and I found that if I am attacking I'm winning anyway. Withering witch, I always felt bad drawing it.
Lighting strike I feel is a bit worse than extract, because of the lack of healing + scout. I found that the +1 mana is almost never a problem.

Yotun feast master:

I have no idea if it should be included or not. It is certainly better than swindle, but I am not sure if it deserves a spot. I am currently running one, but I need more games with it. My answer for now is not.

General note against aggro:

Take your time and don't rush out things. Current aggros are not as aggressive as before, so you can be a bit more relaxed and wait out for value with your lightning storms. You also have the aegis + sabotage to avoid being obliterated out, so don't care too much about the damage and just stay sure that the board is clear.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
21 17 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
24 20 14 7

Card Types
15 0 34 0 26


January 13, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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SugarAndSpice Edited Eternal Version: 1.28
I absolutely love this deck! Really high value from every card. So many rage quits lol. It’s really fun to play. I added two Azindel’s Gifts and that’s won me more than a few games.
TeamSynergy Eternal Version: 1.27
Your proof doesn't work
MTGDefender Eternal Version: 1.27
Is this deck still viable now that everyone is playing feln reanimator?
Lazeryth939 Eternal Version: 1.27
I mean... it has steward...
DMofDOOM Eternal Version: 1.27
Why only 1 annihilate?
BadBug Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks for sharing!
May I ask how is this deck comparing to burn Queen atm?
Shine Eternal Version: 1.27
Buen queen is one of the best matchups, but it's really dependant on you drawing lightning storm or a combination of extract + vara's favor.

I would say you shoud win around 65% of the time against it.
fulaftrbrnr Eternal Version: 1.27
Any viable substitute for BSH?
Shine Eternal Version: 1.27
Thunderclap dragon. (or what is called the one with echo 6 mana 5/6).

It is actually better against control and midrange, so it's definitely viable.
dnmph Eternal Version: 1.27
BSH is pretty tough to replace. While Champion is what wins you the game, BSH is often what keeps you in the game long enough to turn the corner. I can’t personally think of another P/S card that stablizes the way it does sadly.
dnmph Eternal Version: 1.27
BSH is pretty tough to replace. While Champion is what wins you the game, BSH is often what keeps you in the game long enough to turn the corner. I can’t personally think of another P/S card that stablizes the way it does sadly.
remystemple Eternal Version: 1.27
meta must have changed over night. getting hammered playing this deck 0 - 5
Shine Eternal Version: 1.27
You should always adapt this kind of deck to the meta, but the core cards are good enough that you should never be hammered.

Tonight I was facing only control and armory, took off only the 4 lightning storm, and I had a 10 games winstreak afrer losing 8. Just keep up man!
Haveldar Eternal Version: 1.27
What should i put in place i started a week ago, i'm not too familiarized with the cards
Shine Eternal Version: 1.27
Until you get in master, play the lightning storms! They are too important against aggro, and people play a lot of aggro on low ranks! :)
Haveldar Eternal Version: 1.27
Got master today, i swaped 2 storms for 2 thunder dragons, i was running into a lot of control and armory
Alvirian Eternal Version: 1.27
Great deck. Had a lot of fun playing this. Gold 1 to Diamond 2 in less than an hour.
Gilead Eternal Version: 1.27
congrats for the rank1, really solid list!!!