Hi I need some help to Adjust or change the deck to turn around the combo of
Stonescar Leviathan +
Burn Out+ anything that do 2 or more like
My idea came out hearthstone from Freeze mage deck. This gameplay consist on constently stall the board when waiting for the combo dmg card.
There is some card that are pretty similar to hearthstone deck.
CrystallizeFlash FreezeTorch
Main issue I see for the transition to this game is that it lack of damage spell who control in same time (ex a frostbolt that do 3 dmg +freeze) and ice lance that do 4 dmg to freezed people(cost 1)
And the other main combo to freeze the board and put down a unit 0/7 that wipe the entire board on next turn.
So there
Hailstorm Lightning Storm Harsh Rule and some other for this kind of freeze into combo or maybe for for Time shadow fire and try to lower cost of combo but the
Celestial Omen is a big lost.