This month of laddering had brought me a lot of rage and salt while I tried to chase the meta.
Someone on Discord gave what basically a shell for this list and I tweaked it to my collection.
In the end sticking to this list brought me to masters this month
I have been skeptical to Incarnus at first ,but she ended up overperforming, the card selection is almost always good.
Waylay is a meme slot in the market if you really hate Sites or really want to steal and recur opponent's main bomb. But pretty much anything else can go.
Nothing more to be said, but advice to play threats consistently, but not overcommit versus control, you know the drill.
Unless you got Tasbu on the field, in which case you might want to overcommit a chump to draw.
Let me know if the list worked for you too, any advice is appreciated as well :D