The idea is to buff smallish units into bigger threats. Milos, Navani, highland sharpshooter, and a few weapons provide the buffs, hojan provides a bit of lifesteal to weather agro, and harsh rule in the market with some vanquishes hopefully deal with bigger threats later.
This will never be a tier 1 deck, but it's interesting and sometimes fun to play. The problem is that it's susceptible to targeted removal. If annihilate comes down on your buffing tools, you're left with a lot of small chump blockers in the late game.
That said, it's fun when highland sharpshooter hits Milo, or chaining one Milo into another, or Milo with bear arms into a grendalin drone leaving you with a 4/4, 4/4, and 5/5.
Assembly line would be great, but the deck already suffers from being too slow to push out small units. You could maybe swap bore for it in the market and hope for no relics.
Suggestions welcome.