My current build of my janky Bolster pile. It's not great (And I'm not a great player) but if you get a decent hand you can have a pretty scary board by like turn 3 or 4. Just in time for it to get washed away by a Heavy Hail! Deck's a lot of fun though and it feels great snowballing value off of repeated Bolsters. I keep switching and changing cards depending on if I feel like I need more bolster triggers or more Bolsterers or more/less power tutoring etc etc. Suggestions are welcome. I would love to be running Freedom Fighter or Lord Mayor Horat but I simply don't have them. I'd probably swap out the Assassins for Fighters and a Steelguard and the Rites for Horat.
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.