Aggressive TS list. "maybe"s are in the sideboard.
only using
Gloaming Wisp because i felt like i need a 1-drop in an aggressive deck. It's got evasion and replaces itself (sorta), so i call it a fair deal. not sure really what to use for the 1-drop slot, or if i should have more removal, or if i should have like 2 more 4-ofs in the one-drop slot. idk, man. idk.
Void Drummer is for good beats, cheating
Lurking Sanguar, pumping
Ephemeral Wisps, and in turn: making them strong enough to bring back
Dawnwalkers (whilst pumping them as well). i think it's just the bees knees. goes with
Dark Return as well.
Worldbearer Behemoth does double duty for the reanimator twins as well.
Xenan Obelisk helps push some homies up the power scale to get in some fresh beats.
Basically the deck is designed to have a lot of power in a short amount of time with
Sand Warrior,
Ephemeral Wisp,
Dawnwalker, and
Lurking Sanguar all being able to be played for "free" in some regard. the rest of the deck is to gum up the board and get some
Xenan Obelisks on the table to start slamming bodies at the opponent. seems fine.