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Temur Plate, Masters 9/8/18

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This is the first time I've hit Masters in Eternal, so any comments and suggestions for this deck are welcome.

The basic gameplan here is to wear out opposing removal spells with our efficient aegis units, keep the board more or less clear with removal, and slam a plate onto an aegis unit or play an Icaria to close out the game. The threat base has a comfortably low cmc with a stellar mid and late game card advantage/removal resistant plan. Vadius is an all-star here, as an early aggressive unit to start draining opposing removal, and his ultimate to make Steelfang Chakram pairs nicely with Marley's infinite army of Aegis units. Given that this deck is still able to play a long game, activating his 7 cost ultimate is very reasonable, and dramatically boosts his power as a late game draw.

Marley herself, I have discovered, is ridiculous. The aegis(!) bodies she generates ensure plate targets. They ensure you have extra cards in hand to strategize or merchant away. They provide endless ground blockers. And, sometimes, she gets to silence something. And all while doing this, accumulating mana and tempo and card advantage the longer she goes unanswered.

The deck has gone through increasingly aggressive iterations, and once I got a feel for what specific lines, decks, and openings posed the most problems I was able to replace Justice's more general answers with Primal bullets and get the very appreciated bonus of Jennev merchant also being an aegis body and thus a viable late game play.

I also retooled the power base significantly. I haven't done the math on it, but adopting a fast manabase with petition and seek power to fetch (usually untapped) color pairs has greatly helped the deck take and maintain tempo.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3 3

Power Sources
14 13 14 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
10 28 19 14

Card Types
19 9 27 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


September 24, 2018

September 9, 2018


Eternal Version
Card and bug fixes, onboarding campaign changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) September 24, 2018



MrMetronome Eternal Version: 1.37.4
I'm not sold on the board wipe package - a lot of your units die to your own board wipes. I think Hailstorm has a place for sure, but playing a Harsh Rule when you have an Aegis unit with a Plate on it just feels bad.

I love the list otherwise, Temur is my fav.
Sceadugenga Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Thanks! I've definitely felt that tension myself,which led me to focus as much as possible on playing 1 threat at s time, both to bait out more bodies from the opponent and minimize the harsh rule damage to my own plan. It isnt always perfect, and I've tried swapping the wraths out for more single target removal. Its sometimes ok but it feels easy to get blown out by combrei/x strategies when I do that.
MrMetronome Eternal Version: 1.37.4
What about having just the one copy in the market? That gives you the option to grab it when you lose board, but doesn't clog your deck vs. slower controlling decks.
Sceadugenga Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Retooled and have been giving this config some runs. 8-1 so far using this setup, loss to Xenan draw your draw your deck with Talir combo.
MrMetronome Eternal Version: 1.37.4
I love the thought of a Feast Caller with a plate on it, my gosh
Sceadugenga Eternal Version: 1.38
This feels pretty strongly like I've hit the sweet spot for this meta. New vara may render my work irrelevant, but this is a deck I'd take to a tournament now.