Description Straightforward AP tempo deck with permanent scaling units and buffs.
Cards & Reasoning - Lethrai Trapper: early scaling drop, especially good with Peacekeeper's Helm. Play her on opponent turn on first turn, this way opponent can play depleted power and you can buff her at least once and protect her on turn two.
- Steady Marshal: good enough stats for a one drop. Can only trigger it's ability from multiple copies of itself, what happens more often than you think.
- Auric Bully: great unit with off curve stats.
- Glory Seeker: even better than Auric Bully unit. Best target for Against the Odds.
- Lurking Brute: permanent scaling Grizzly Bear.
- Leatherhide: tricky unit with permanent scaling.
- Prepared Tracker: permanent scaling unit with upside trigger.
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.