The deck took me from the middle of D2 to Masters quite smoothly with a record of 20-4 win/loss. See the match history for details.
My impressions in bullet points:
- The nerf of former tier 1 strangers (Grodov and Makar) and the emergence of tier 1 fire units from the recent two card releases (Milos, Jekk, and Auralian supplier) have tilted the meta to a more Praxis friendly environment as fewer players are now playing Xenan that would be a disadvantage to this deck otherwise, and the potential for this deck to over-run FTS cultists/Keelos variations and Relic-based control decks.
- The strengths of this deck are pretty clear. In a bullish scenario, you can start drawing a trove while attacking from turn 2, open two power slots to play another unit or use the trove with Tota Pioneer from turn 3, deal 4 damage to two enemies while playing a 2/3 unit with double damage and could draw a trove if he hits the player, and replenish your hand with Auralian Supplier to add the final pressure for the opponent to break/concede.
- Strange Gladiator is also great in creating a wide yet strong board presence, and I sometimes hold my other strangers in hand if the opponent seems to be playing a slow deck that doesn't involve a board wipe.
- As you can see from the match history, most games are done by turn 6-8, implying the importance of what and how you play your cards on turn 2,3, and 4. Be conscious of optimal plays and have 2-3 scenarios in mind based on your potential draw.
Good luck and have fun!