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Tavrod Says: More Pew Pew, Less QQ! (Also Known As: Charge 'Rod!)

Throne Deck By
The Great Parliament // Owls and Dragons


Cost Curve




So, the balance changes are here. Hello, Stonescar, my old friend, I've come to blast people with you again. Of course, with just a splash of justice, we suddenly get:

The latest in sharpshooter warhelm shenanigans!

Along with:

The still *obscenely* awesome display of ambition!


8 playable weapons, which means along with Tavrod himself, you have enough targets that Tavrod has some consistent hits!

Also, FWIW, Tavrod mills gunslingers that you can get back with display of ambition =P.

Obviously, as with any 3F warhelm deck, your influence base is going to be screaming, and I went full-on greedmonster here, with 8 total influence necessary--far beyond the recommended 5 or so for a diplo seal deck. Beyond that, with desecrate, display, *and* instigator tapping your life total, you'll have to be very prudent with your only source of lifesteal in the form of highwaymen.

Not sure this should be done, but again, another insane experiment in whether or not it *can* be done. Took it out for a spin, ripped six straight wins around 100 master, and the influence felt reasonable so long as I didn't expect to have everything immediately while recognizing that a hand with crest, cargo, and 3 other power would more likely than not draw into some good action if I had a turn 2 play.

I'm pretty certain the deck can be improved in some capacity, namely in the power base and the market options. Treachery, display, and maiden I think are hard locks, while plate and stash might be a bit optimistic.

But yeah, play around with it, enjoy the new warhelm highroll shenanigans, and tell me if you found any modifications that worked for you in particular! Also, who says Charge 'Rod is dead ?=P


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
12 6 8 9 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
10 21 29 14

Card Types
29 9 17 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Homecoming [Set1005]

Aggro Midrange

April 23, 2019


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



Pocket100 Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Some Tokens in the power base along with a Banner in the Market might be worthwhile.
pyrovoice Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Looks really interesting ! Why no Hojan, Crownbreaker ?
IlyaK1986 Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Not a gunslinger :(. Went with a gunslinger tribal for this one.
SasquatchBrah Eternal Version: 1.45.6
Hoo boy I missed gunslingers. Woof.