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Crown of Inspiration

Throne Deck By


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This is literally the only way I can actually have fun with this game anymore.

I'll say up front that this is just... 'the build of this deck that I'm able to make at the moment', and not at all something especially refined or high in card quality. It doesn't take a genius to tell you that this deck would probably like more cards like a full set of Temple Shihan, Alhed, Mount Breaker, maybe a fourth Cirso, the Great Glutton, just obvious things like that.

The deck might be stronger if you use Auralian Merchant as your market card just because it's a stronger card, but I didn't make this deck to play strong cards because this game is made of cards that are honestly way too powerful, and I just happen to like actually getting my mind links instead of winning because I played Alhed or Cirso as a midrange beater.

I made this deck specifically for the sake of un-tilting and not really to be competitive in any sense of the word, because a competitive deck in this game either runs Alessi, Icaria, 4x Slay, Heart of the Vault, or some combination of all of the above, but I mean I've had some good games with it. It's satisfying to actually be playing the Transform cards to stop Makto like DWD seems to have assumed people would do when they made a 5/5 that never actually goes away otherwise and actively benefits from a game with too many value-based kill spells because of every creature being larger than him.

The short version is this is a bad deck that's at least fun to watch happen when it gets to happen and you're not already dying to whatever power-creep-y bullshit happens to be the flavor of the week.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
19 19 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
24 24 12 14

Card Types
23 11 20 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]

Control Combo

August 6, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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