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Infinite Mill Deck

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




After a full board state have fun poping off an ifinite mill combo with the 3/1 the 1/2 and the 6/6 chick that when you play a shadow unit grab an additional shadow unit witch then you grab the 3/1 that brings in a 1 costing unit of your choice from grave with him as well then u scrafice the 3/1 into the 1/2 that Mills the top unit of your opponent then it triggers the 6/6 into grabbing the 3/1 an then scrafice the 1/2 ect. Infinite unit mill yay!!! Note I believe you need at least 2 of the 1/2''s in the void for it to pop off but don't focus on the mill just know it's there haha it's quite a nice aggroy deck with some nice Control an grave Resurrection.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
14 20 7

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 18 19 2 4

Card Types
28 1 19 0 27


July 20, 2017


Eternal Version
Omens of the Past

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NecroTsubasa Edited Eternal Version: 1.22.3
Love the mill decks I had fun with this deck. I tried with some changes:
-4 Pilfer
-2 Piercing Grief
-1 Cabal Recruiter
-1 Torrent of Spiders
-2 Oathbreaker

+4 Sabotage
+4 Devour
+2 Steward of the Past
MTG4DAYZ Eternal Version: 1.22.3
Yes wasn't for sure if I was to agresive on the mill with pilfer. But it makes me laugh that you can pretty much go infinite on unit mill once you fill the board.