Will provide a full write up in a bit. DougDimmadome+0811 Feel free to add me anytime if you have any questions
Essentially, this is a value deck. You force 2 for 1's with aegis or high priority targets with champ/jotun/vara/rindra Legit everything that's in your deck. The poaching drakes a temp slot due to agro scream being a thing.work well vs teachers/merchants/whatever really.
Depending on the matchup, i find myself seeing it as a 50/50. using scream for the gorgon to draw early instead of holding for pressure just flat out wins games.
Have fun.
Used this deck to get top top 100 masters from gold 3.
Positive matchups combrei agro(if you have anni in hand)
DESTROYS temporal control/azindel(assuming you play aegis's right)
That new maul deck running around
skycraig(Draw dependent but hard mulligan for vara and if you get her out you win)
50/50|Skillbased matchups
mono time
the mirror
discard feln
Stonescar mid/agro
Negative matchups
Legit unsure atm haven't ran into any issues so far
Combrei agro if they get an early stand? Even then your pressure should be insane either way.