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Haunted Highway (Top 10 Masters)

Throne Deck By
Prismatic Conclave


Cost Curve




This is the deck that I used almost exclusively to climb to masters in April 2018. I ended up hitting masters on the 15th and was placed at rank 9 which tells you the winrate this deck had when climbing. This deck has an insane toolbox and can adapt to almost any situation.

*Isn't this just NotoriousGHP's deck?
This list is only 2 cards off of his list, I took out 1 Assembly Line and 1 Devour and placed in 2 Strategize.

While this may seem strange/slow I found it very helpful.
Need an extra power? Strategize to hopefully draw one
Madness/Combust are unplayable cards for the matchup? Put them on the bottom of your deck
Need to get rid of extra power? Replace it with 2 new cards.
Yes this is a *slightly* slower version but Strategize opens up the toolbox even further

Changes to consider:
Ripknife Assassin > Quarry - personally I enjoy looking for a combo piece or finding extra needed power but some people enjoy having a solid body in it's place. No wrong choice here

Not running 4 Dark Return - Dark Return requires setup (for lack of a better term) in order to be optimal and while this deck has potent threats I'd rather run more utility cards.

Change of the power base - With the amount of depleted power this deck runs odds are you'll be playing from behind (another reason I'm not a big fan of Ripknife Assassin). It might be worth it to adjust the powerbase to allow more on-curve plays

And always pray that you don't go against Hooru Midrange


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1 2

Power Sources
17 12 13 17

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
33 21 13 8

Card Types
20 0 30 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]


April 18, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



yorre Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
THIS DECK IS AMAZING! THANK YOU! I haven't got this much fun with a deck before! I went 9-4 in the last couple of hours, mostly my losses is from misplay.
PBrooks284 Eternal Version: 1.31
Thanks for the deck. I hit masters with Skyscrag/Argenport but this deck has always frustrated me to no end. I have the deck minus your 8 legendaries...I've been so-so without them but obviously they're critical and I just need to work towards them. I also played skycrag without Vadius and scoffed at Cinder Yeti, two cards that are super important.

I would love to hear more about what decks you feel are very easy and which you hate seeing, apparently Hooru (and why). Thanks
mtgcards Eternal Version: 1.31
how you got to 9 with this deck i have NO idea... 0-6.... and not one was close, the mana base is ugly for 3 color
Zauzzie Eternal Version: 1.31
This is probably the one of if not the hardest deck to play in Eternal at the moment. Almost all of your losses with this deck will be player error and not planning using your tools correctly or knowing how to play around your opponents threats and when to extend or not.
SasquatchBrah Edited Eternal Version: 1.31
Adaptable decks like felnscar scream have a high skill ceiling. For instance there will be many mirror matches against other scream decks - in that case never play a fanatic on turn 3. Wait til turn 4 or 5 with torch in hand in case the opponent has madness as that will lose you the game instantly. Another example of a high skill play is holding back devour for your own fanatic against possible transform or silence effects.

The manabase isn't that bad; the amethyst waystones could go 2 for 2 with diplomatic seal.