The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Ok, I'm going to say this. I'm addressing the main deck for Bo1 format. This is unplayable against any kind of aggro, with way too many unplayable initial hands. Icaria Blue deserves 4 Hailstorm and 4 Enforcer, and too many Icaria / Rise actually hurts the deck. I can't say too much about anything else here, but I've certainly played better Icaria Blue decks.
Don't forget that this is not a ladder deck. It was made for the invitational and aggro decks in general aren't popular on those tournaments plus we have sideboarded games :)
Although I would still play this on ladder with some slight modifications.
Although I would still play this on ladder with some slight modifications.