I like playing with
Rift's Edge and have wanted to combine it with
Star-Reader's Tools since the new set came out. I sort of slapped this together and went for it to a nice bit of success.There's still a lot to play with, as far as numbers and card selection goes, but I've been enjoying playing the deck in it's current form.
The dream is of course, to kill opp in one turn with
Clash of Wills, post edge-procs.Unfortunately, that hasn't happened for me yet :-( Maybe it will for you? Someone should enjoy that feeling if I can't.
Let me know if you try the deck out or if you have any questions or suggestions. Hope you're having a splendid day.
Thanks for stopping by. :-)
I set this to Unlisted to keep my word and not post in competition of your build, but it seemed a more expedient way to share.
Just a thought. Really love this sort of deck but don't want to use all my shards without getting a feel. If my janky inserts work, I will update.
Maybe one or two copies in place of Clash of Wills?