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marmot control

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

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I started from sunyveil's TJP Control list, slowly working on upgrading. I've got almost all the legendaries I want (building up to another Parliament or maybe two for the main deck), right now the main thing I want to tweak is the proper balance of answers vs threats, aaand the ratios for each kind of answers and each kind of threats.

I added the Moonstone Vanguards because I pulled them in draft and wanted to try them, and they're (unsurprisingly) really good. Gaining life and drawing cards is exactly what you want to be doing in this type of deck. The Duelist's Blades are almost certainly getting cut but I'm not sure what for yet. They're not quite as impactful as I'd like but they're almost always at least a 2-for-1 (and frequently more, depending on how much the opposing deck cares about aegis). The other thing is that it's important to have a clock that doesn't stop when I play Harsh Rule etc.

You're probably also noticing that I cut Seek Power. I'm not sure this was correct but I wanted to make room for more answers, particularly Dissociate, to shore up my game against decks that don't care about Harsh Rule. To compensate I run the full 12 Crests.

I'm also not sure about the market slots, particularly Eternity Core. I added it to help ensure I can always get at least two owls from Parliament (and makes getting three a LOT easier but this might just be greedy). The rest of the slots besides Parliament are there so I can use my Merchants as silver bullet answers. The problem is I don't usually end up getting anything except Parliament in (I'd guess) 80% of my games. I HIGHLY doubt this is the best use of these slots, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
13 14 13 15

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Deck Rarities
5 34 27 4

Card Types
10 7 38 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


February 23, 2019


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