A somewhat workable deck that includes all the new “End of the” cards in the FOA expansion.
Comments are welcome.
1) Look for influence fillers in opening hand. Influence requirements are just 2 of each influence to play all the “End of Cards”.
2) As such you only need 1 Memento Mori up usually. Strategize the rest away.
3) Sometimes Nicto gives you another “End of the...” card for added fun.
4) Save devour, Last Rites for Tribute bonuses.
Various combos
1) End of Hostilities works excellently with Big Brother or Royal Guardian if you can get to 10.
2) Chalice works great with Veteran Strategist and Little Brothers as well all all the low drops.
3) Big swing turns are End of Hostilities on Royal Guardian which sometimes can heal for 30-40HP.