What this does to your removal: https://clips.twitch.tv/DistinctOddSrirachaPunchTrees
Gameplay example in two tournament matches vs SooNo: https://youtu.be/PwBp_-y5Ttw
Discard aggressively to buff Torgov. Echo cards help in this deck (an early iteration used Jotun Hurler for deadly Snowballs + 4x Unstable Form) because you need something to discard / swap into your market, and frequently you want to keep most of the cards you draw for use in combo rather than needing some subset of cards situationally.
I've also tried Nocturnal Observer and Hunter's Harpoon for discard / draw; Harpoon was a great pairing with Torgov, but I'm not sure it outdoes Crunch--certainly you can sub it in. Observer you need to be careful with because of Nightfall. Herald's Song has been the most reliable means of discard, by far, and I anticipate trying Secretweaver in place of Torgov next as she doesn't require a unit to make it through your opponent's board.
Kenna isn't typically necessary, just a good way to recycle spells, and we were already using Combustion Cell. You could probably sub in any other unit that can help deal with your opponents midrange - large units.
Chairman's Contract is a sometimes-tribute enabler, though it will occasionally cause influence problems.
You likely want some seek-powers or eilyn's-favor so that you don't get stuck on 2-3 power as often.
Kenna is a bit underwhelming here since you don't have Wisdom of the Elders or End of Hostilities as powerful spells to buy back.