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To WARP Speed... eventually

Throne Deck By


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Basically a Praxis Midrange deck that uses Waker of Ancients and Workshop Forge to gain massive tempo/Card Advantage in the mid to late game.

Feel Free to leave any suggestions!

Always try and mulligan for Power Stone or Amber Acolyte with hopefully a 4 drop Sandstorm Titan or Crimson Firemaw it can be okay to take 2 power hands if you have a Power stone or Acolyte with a removal Torch or Purify.

Starting Turns:
Your gameplan in the first turns is mostly just survive long enough to get to 4 Power. This deck does not function at 2 power at all, You can survive on 3 power for a little bit, but once you get to 4-5 power you can actually start playing the game.

Also, Power Stone is really powerful here. Playing it on 2 and getting a sandstorm titan/dragon on turn 3 is just insane tempo.

If you're not playing anything on 2 or 3 it can be okay to play out Waker of the Ancients and try to get a draw in the next turns, sometimes it will stick but take into consideration that a lot of the time it won't. Also, prioritize playing cards that can be warped over cards in your hand whenever it's a good play.

Mid game:
Play as many big guys as possible, but try not to play into removal such as Harsh Rule and hold back threats in your hand if you can hold the board and/or pressure enough with what you have already. Also try to Remove their board whenever possible with torch/purify and Predatory Carnosaur. Once you're not in threat of dying you want to be swinging as much as possible.

Try to avoid playing workshop forge if the opponent is going Aggro on you. Save the tempo loss for when you have a Sandstorm titan/ other big blocker out and have the board stabilized or else you will just die, but once you have your big guys out you usually have some time to breath and play the forges, which once you get one down you can start pulling cards much faster off the top and it makes Waker of Ancients even better than it was.

The key to the relics is to play them whenever the opponent is taking a slow tempo turn or whenever you're not spending the mana on anything else. They generate massive value in the long run so getting them down asap while also not sacrificing too much tempo is something that takes a little getting used to.

Late game
keep playing bigger and bigger guys, use Waker of the Ancients to try and "warp-draw" a card whenever possible, use waystone infuser to increase how often you can warp a big guy off the top and play Great-Kiln Titan to get the massive value.

By this time the game is either over or there will be a massive board stall. That's why I've included Passage of Eons Because although it is expensive, If both your and your opponent's boards are roughly equal power, playing it will likely tip the scales into your favor. With only one in the deck you will usually eventually draw it, even if it takes going through half the deck. When played into a stalled board, this card will usually tip the scales into your favor, either allowing you to silence their sandstorm titan and get your dragons through or to silence off their pesky Vara, Fate-Touched or Gearcruncher decks which gives this deck so much trouble. I've won a couple of games from this card where both of us were in board stalls. I would be wary of running more than one, however, because it's a card that is usually only useful once, and having more than one of it allows for the possibility of having two in your opener which I feel would be an auto-loss most of the time. This card could possibly be cut, but I've liked it as a one-of so far.

You could consider cutting the Soulfire Drake (and possibly something else) for Jekk, Hunted Fugitive I just don't have the card in my collection.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
18 18 11

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Deck Rarities
23 12 20 14

Card Types
31 11 8 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


January 18, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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