Based on the glimpse storm archetype and utilizing new cards to make kills easier.
Notes on how to pilot it; to go off you need:
1)Workshop Forge
2)Glimpse of Possibilities
3)Arround 3 unspent power
4)Ability to play more power from your deck (either the single one for turn if risking it or Talir's Sanctum)
This deck is able to combo kill in one turn by playing a bunch of free units, Harmony of flame for absurd power and lethal flameblast. Or getting to 9 power, casting Kairos mid storm and keep going until the opponent dies to Kairos damage (Obelisk gives the dorks enough power to deal damage).
For starting hands you want a workshop forge and glimpse if possible, merchants to get them or at least one of the pieces. Don't keep hands without any combo piece and hope you will get them later. Fire merchants grab forge before the combo turn and other things while in combo. Time merchants grab anything you need to set up, give you power and can fetch Kairos while comboing.
If you think the combo might fizzle halfway through then use a time merchant to get another glimpse from the market/keep a glimpse on top of your deck and play as much as you can to stall for a turn and go off again the following turn.
With a forge and 3 remaining power you usually can get the combo to keep going.
Seek power in hand can also be used to *sometimes* pull a sigil off the top. IIRC they fixed the 'seek power sees premium and non-premium sigils separately' allowing you to improve your odds by including a mix of premium and non-premium (and xultan) sigils, but still worth playing seek, as it helps both early and late.