Main Deck
The idea is to discard bear to the void then reanimate it using grasp early game or to hard cast it late game there is 1 way to guarantee its effect goes off in secret passage as this destroys the bear at the end of turn and it keeps the unblockable ability.
Back alley delinquent and herald song are there to discard the bear and also backalley is there to check for any removal that might be a problem for the bear as it is still vulnerable to transform effects like polymorph or equivocate and silence spells so sabotage checks for these, you don't mind harsh rule and the like as destroying the bear is sort of ok.
The inclusion of Warleader is not fixed I just couldn't decide what other 2 (or 3) drop to include so though id try it seeing as the unit also has good synergy with secret passage - but more the turn you play it.