My last 20 games with the deck in my match history have me at 3 losses and 17 wins. I made it to master 400 with it in one night from Diamond and getting placed into 800 master. Pretty silly, but if you don't get shut down too early it's hard to beat the raw card advantage and awesome removal this deck pumps out. Lots of free wins with Rain of Frog against some decks that just die to it. Being primal is convenient because I can just toss aegis on myself pretty consistently to block troublesome effects and burn.
Tried to streamline the deck and limit the amount of clunky draws. To that end we now have wanted poster instead of Strategize, Lightning Strike instead of Vision of Austeriry, and Scourge of Frosthome instead of the second Aid of the Hooru. This enables us to have more outs to hastey creatures while still being safe against relic weapons. Also with the addition of Lightning Strike we can now play Wanted Poster and reliably trigger it. Trimmed a Mind Link as early on drawing multiples can be rough against aggro.