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Sad Salvo

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Tournament Information

TNE - Summer Invitational (Throne)
September 19, 2021


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1

Power Sources
18 15 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
25 22 28

Card Types
39 4 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Hour of Glass [Set1115]


September 20, 2021


Eternal Version
Hour of Glass

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ubermaan Edited Eternal Version: 21.11.18

You are so wrong about this list. I use a similar main deck with the exact same sideboard and I’ve floated around rank 10 for weeks. Here is the reason for these choices:
Backlash does damage to face and helps break aegis that would block depth charge triggers. Torrential Downpour does the same and can clear out an opponents aggro or tiny blockers. I’ve experimented with Cylix, but depleted power cards aren’t great in this deck. You frequently sit at 2 or 3 power and don’t want the extra treasure card when the goal is to empty your hand. The Oni are solid one drops which is very important when you are trying to go wide and dump your hand. Blazing salvo is better than merchants because it can clear a blocker and costs one less power. You can always target your own unit to swap a card or get rid of it, which I’ve done several times for a win with Sear or Depth Charges. The only thing I agree with is this needs Milo and doesn’t need the Grenadin.
Osidan Eternal Version: 21.11.18
Can't take this deck seriously, at all. Pilot must be totally new to the game. Backlash instead of Dazzle? Impossible to fathom. The market's a mess. What's Torrential Downpour doing in this deck without spell damage? Why is there not more burn? Only 4 Torch, which I find, sucks, by the way... No Cylix, not even one? Wow. Grenadin Drone? Oni Ronin in 2021? Oni Patrol? Wow... this is just... no Grafters? Uh, yeah. No Scythe Slash in the Market? Saddest deck I've ever seen, boring to play, I'd give it a 51% win rate, at best. Very very bad overall, 0.5/5. No attack buffs like Fire Conjuring? Blazing Salvo is a really really bad card in such a deck, imo! How about just a set of Ixtun Merchants / Howling Peak Smugglers for bodies and spell damage in the latter case? You wanna pigeonhole you into hitting some unit for 2 to have a really really 0.1/5 market? I don't even, seriously... no Permafrost? No Sites, like, Thudrock's Masterwork / Inferno Den? No Beacon of War for +1 attack and potential exhaust? No Cinder Yeti? No Milos, Rebel Bomber? Where's the good stuff? Eclipse Dragon? Combustion Brawler for some anti life gain? Granite Coin? Flame Blast? Flash Fry? Inoa's Fury, good combat trick? Xo and Jotun Hurler to have SOME fate market things??? I mean, what are you gonna do with your 2 for 1 Blazing Salvo? Wow... overall a very bad deck. Like, the worst out of ANY red aggro deck, very inconsistent, badly thought out. Sorry dude, you need to step up your game. Deheen Blitz, Kaleb's Persuader? Hellfire Valkyrie? Blitz Stone??? This deck just isn't... Passionate Stonehammer for a good 2 drop flier... alright I'm done. Good luck, man. You must be very new to this game. Bye, Osidan
LinusTheProfit Eternal Version: 21.09.23
Just used this deck to get me to master level. 14 wins and 3 losses. Very aggressive and easy deck to play. No legendary cards so not expensive to build. Thanks for sharing the deck.
JNL Eternal Version: 21.09.02
Come check me out on my other platforms!
JNL Eternal Version: 21.09.02
JNL Eternal Version: 21.09.02