Pristine light is dumb. Pristine light with bunch of revenge and madness in your deck is extra dumb. Was running a list like this with Witching Hour, but Hour doesn't do enough into things like Svetya's Sanctum. Chains is just better, because ofc it is cus it's in justice.
Deck also used to run a few Tasbu back when it was running the power base to support Witching Hour. May still be a good idea, just dont know what I'd take out for it. Maybe like -1 chains, -1 reweave, +2 Tasbu. Or maybe put Tasbu in place of Makto in the market. Makto+Chains is just some real endgame, though.
Still tuning, but take it for a spin and let me know what you think!
Dark return yes, rapid shot probably no. And you’re also almost definitely right with some combo of annihilate, desecrate, and slay