Nothing too crazy to this fight. The opponent gets an early aggro game but then doesn't seem to have much up until he plays
Plated Demolisher. Our deck for this fight can easily counter his. He will ramp up his armor throughout the match, but its nothing to worry about. We just want to worry about getting our dinos out on the board. Don't hesitate to trade
Pteriax Hatchling or
Savage Skybrood with his attackers because our mid to late game will dominate. Save
Avirax Familiar though until you have enough power to play the big bois. Take out his demolisher with a
Changeestik or
Adaptive Predator +
Xenan Initiation. It took me a while to tweak this deck to feel consistent enough to win 7 for 7.
My campaign decks are all designed to be cheap and easy for new players. Check them out!
Rakano is usually the cheapest and easiest way to win gauntlet