Here is a deck I just made off of the back of Icarnus.. but the draw and synergy in this deck has turned out to be quite pleasing to play with and I’m seeing how big Vara is.
Main thing, is don’t be afraid to play your bombs.. screw removal.. this deck has midrange cost, but you want to play it aggro tempo, so don’t wait!
You never really run out of cards. Between Icarnus and Mercenary, and dark returns, you always have more cards than you came in with. Vara is perfect for all of the aegis going around and the market is up in the air. Don’t really know what I should put in there so advice would be nice :)
Overall 8 hard removals and Reaper really adds for a nice top end.. with Vara almost always on board you’ll hit for 5 every time.. dark return is also a nice loop for damage and lifegain.
Would love to hear thoughts and comments! Enjoy!