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Temporal Owls

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Hello internet - this is my take on Temporal Control, which've taken me to Masters.

Comparatively to a lot of other Temporal Control lists I see, mine focus on winning with The Great Parliament, instead of something like sword of the sky king or the likes - essentially its a modified Owl Ramp list.

Work In Progress;

Matchups - and how to play them;

Agro: By far the hardest matchup, playing against Agro is all about stalling. You got the tools for this, in the form of Lunar Magus, Combrei Healer and Lightning Storm and to a degree Harsh Rule; its mostly about drawing them.

Mirror: This is usually in your favour; Unseal's and Cobalt Waystone means that they can't Channel the Tempest, and Unseal's likewise provide protection against Harsh Rule.

Wait until you both got enough mana and an Unseal before playing your big cards, generally speaking. Getting yourA New Tomorrow countered sucks.

Don't be afraid to Channel the Tempest their face, even if they got Aegis on, just for the card draw, and Celestial Omen for either Temporal Distortion, Channel the Tempest, A New Tomorrow or Aid - slow and easy wins the game, and if you get a 5 owl The Great Parliament off, and then the turn after counter their Harsh Rule, you are almost always going to win.

Feln Control: This matchup can go both ways. Always sit on an Unseal to protect against Azindel's Gift. Getting a Rain of Frogs off on a Champion of Cunning makes your life infinitely easier, but if that isn't the case the game isn't lost; sit on your Lightning Storm to pop those Aegis and then Harsh Rule.

Defensive The Great Parliament's are also gold here; if you get a Temporal Distortion down you can instant speed Parliament -> block anything with the two owls and kill it. For that matter, usually just playing a The Great Parliament once you hit 8 influence can stall of an attack a turn or two.

On a last note, don't be afraid to Channel the Tempest their face so you can make an opening for Rain of Frogs, if they still sit with cards in hand; usually, the disruption is worth more than the damage. If they are just topdecking, obviously do it the other way around.

Midrange; Another rough matchup, playing against Midrange is targeted threat removal to a much higher degree. Don't be afraid to Harsh Rule a single big threat, but look at the situation - sometimes it might be worth it to wait another turn.

Channel the Tempest is targeted removal in this deck, much more than any other matchup - never use it face unless you already got a Temporal Distortion down, there are no cards on board and you have nothing else in hand (or likewise scenarios).

Armory: The bad news is, you're probably fu..ed. The good news is, you actually got answers for their decks. The bad news is, they only take you so far.

Usually, you want to Rain of Frogs Icaria, the Liberator or, if they don't have her in hand, Harsh Rule, followed by their finishing weapons. Icaria, the Liberator is just too much of a problem otherwise (again, with the exception of instant speed Owls - and even then Harsh Rule is a problem), and the opponents Relic Weapons aren't that big of a thread if they can't clear the board with Harsh Rule; then they have to go through all your owls.

Conversely, if they sit with a big weapon in hand and get a rule off, there is nothing you can really do; even if you get a Fast Spell speed The Great Parliament off, they can't block Relic Attacks to the face like Ambush units.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 4

Power Sources
13 12 14 14

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
7 32 18 9

Card Types
14 2 34 0 25


December 29, 2017


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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bra1n Eternal Version: 1.27
Tried the deck for 12 games, went 2-10. Terrible against aggro, loses hard to any kind of creature with toughness > 3 or Aegis. Even against control or the mirror it was mostly a loss due to lack of any kind of targeted removal or defense against relics. :/
HappyNap Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks for the feedback
Arkimedes Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Interesting deck and nice write-up. Can I add you to see the deck in action? I don't own all cards to make it :(
Is there replace a for Lunar Magus? What do you think about -4 Lunar Magus -1 Find the Way (because I think 3 is too much) +2 Wisdom of Elders (I like card draws) +3 Seek Power (which I think is almost essencial por getting that good power base).
HappyNap Eternal Version: 1.27
Lunar magus does a lot for the deck, and I would be loathe to cut them completely; they provide early damage against mirrors, they always replace themselves and they are another obstacle against agro, which the deck struggles with. However, you could probably cut one or two of them.

Cutting 1 Find the Way and adding 3 Seek Power would certainly make sure you screwed less, though it would also mean more empty draws lategame. I would maybe instead just go with 4 Seek Power - cut down a Magus or two and maybe throw in a Wisdom.

If you try it out, let me know how it goes ^.^

And yeah, in-game is HappyNap+6852. Shoot me a messege tho, if you want to see the deck play out, else I might be playing Jank
augustoaag Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Lunar mage would do well in sb vs some new nightfall agro deck.
Other than that I think giving free cards to a deck that dumps everything in the board is a bad idea.
Nightfall is a hell of a drawback and people will experiment with it all and eventually remove all those cards from their decks.

Nightfall played by the opponent feels like a Wisdom of elders at 0 power. You end up with +1 cards.
(lose 1 gain2 vs gain 1)
HappyNap Eternal Version: 1.27
You know, you might actually be right; i'll probably play around with the deck now that the resets hit.

Thanks for the feedback
CASFO Eternal Version: 1.27
Amazing deck :D No wonder why it took ya all the way up to the master.
HappyNap Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks ^.^ Like i said, it's basically a modified Owl Ramp, so it isn't anything completely revolutionary, but i like to think that its still an original creation