We put in Mokhnati, Restored as our top end and some strong Elysian Heroes. We went with Alhed Ascending over Jarral due to a unit based attack instead of spells.
Pelak, Xultan Elder was a surprise card for me that performed very well, was the first time I have used it in any deck. I will for sure use him in future primal decks when applicable.
During the stream the deck went 26 - 13 with 4 losses coming at the end of the stream, we hit masters and the deck just performed very well.
If there is any weak spot I guess the market would be it but Cirso, the Great Glutton was a rock star coming out of the market, with Sodi, Wingbreaker being a strong option in grindy matches for some draw.
Deck in action:
Questions, comments, suggestions welcome as always.
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.