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Dark Heart Reanimator

Throne Deck By


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Hi all, Just made masters with a crazy 14-3 run with this deck. Felt it was extremely strong against FJS and FJP. Recent iterations of most control decks have started to cut harsh rule and this heavily punishes them for it.

You are the control deck in almost any match-up. The plan is to stay alive and stall until the card advantage engines take over the game. Other versions of control are not nearly as threat dense as this deck and you usually have superior card draw in addition to bigger threats. The biggest piece of advice I can give is: Don't overly focus on the reanimation plan. The core plan is to draw with Heart of the Vault and bring it back to draw again and again. Not to cheat it into play a turn early and watch it get immediately removed.

Card of interest:
Heart of the Vault
This is the main threat and win condition of the deck. In most matchups, you play HotV and when your opponent kills it, you bring it back with Stirring Sands / Grasping at Shadows. As the resurrect cards trigger the battlecry, you will be playing cantrip threats and outlast any removal pile style gameplan.

Great-Kiln Titan
This is the hardest card to use correctly. The goal of this deck is NOT to cheat Kiln Titan into play early. That is a nice high-roll bonus but doesn't usually win the game as it is easily removed. Against most removal pile, it is better to wait until you have 8 mana to play this. Better even to wait until you can crest and then play it so you know you improve the odds on getting a good card.

Learned Herbalist
The weakest card in the deck and I would consider cutting it if not for the high-roll chance of the nut-draw. It also gains life and can ramp you. Not terrible but if you are against a heavy removal deck, don't discard a valuable threat just for a ramp.

Market choices: I've been reasonable happy with this market but there are a lot of options. I think its important to have a threat, a cheap removal, and one copy of shifting sands. I've added the power and the relic hate but could see those replaced for something to help against elysian nightfall / rakano.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3 2

Power Sources
15 16 12 17

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
14 9 29 19

Card Types
29 0 25 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


January 11, 2019


Eternal Version

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