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Rank 5 FTP (Face is The Place) Aggro

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Super low to the ground mostly Fire based aggressive deck. Playing a little time for Kid, Grove's Heart(still amazing after the 1hp nerf), Borderlands Lookout (a ton of 5f spire on ladder, I wonder why?) and Powercell. And then adding a light pinch of primal for Permafrost and Dusk Raider. We're also cheesing into shadow for Lurking Sanguar, but let's be real, Sanguar is a mono fire card when you get down to it and we have basically zero plans on hard casting it. Though I have done this exactly 1 time via Xultan Conclave to clear my hand to trigger League Explorer's depth charge.

Sometimes you want to set up big Kid smash turns, other times you'll find yourself dusk raidering your charge units into huge bursts of damage. Calm Instructor is probably the best card in the deck. It loves warcry because it cuts you right to the buffs and wears the buffs well because he has charge. It also loves dusk raider because the unit you recruit will receive the inspire. Very fun deck, typically straightforward to play.

Big damage. Good time.

Update: Spire dead, Ayur tech is no longer relevant. Replaced with Invasive Species. And now that you don't need to stay at exactly 1 market card, you could also include Press the Advantage, Draconic Ire, Lethrai Dead Drop.

Species will definitely be the most relevant bargain for the deck. But there are corner cases where the others are relevant.

Press needs onis, which the deck has already and if you're aware of your market when playing rainbow choose powers you can potentially sneak the J in for free.

Ire requires some help from opponents to trigger. You need a dragon, but have none. Occasionally your opponent will transform your units into dragons. This is the longest shot bargain.

And then dead drop, lucky us again, we brought elves to the party. However we have half as many elves as we do oni so this is much less likely to hit than Press, so if you're randomly picking an influence you don't actually need (JS), go with J first unless you foresee having to hardcast sanguar.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1 1 1

Power Sources
16 11 4 14 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
20 40 13

Card Types
45 2 4 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Hour of Glass [Set1115]


February 29, 2024

November 14, 2023


Eternal Version
Battle Lines

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) February 29, 2024



maslovk Eternal Version: 23.11.09
Lose to Spire? NOPE
Turn Second Sanguar? YEAP

Me have bad curve? NOPE
Lifesteal need nerf? YEAP

So if the face plays Wasp
Me stiil a-space
(yeah yeah yeah)

If the face plays Wasp
Me still a-space
(yeah, yeah, yeah)
sto650 Eternal Version: 24.01.31
"Me still go face" because "face is the place."
Shenaniganry Eternal Version: 23.11.09
Random_7945 Eternal Version: 23.11.09
The face of Ayur looks so troll-y
Shenaniganry Eternal Version: 23.11.09
Which is just another reason it's the perfect market.