Day 1 Masters at rank 1, playing somewhat dubiously throughout the climb. This is very similar to the skycrag omniscience deck I previously posted.
Not 100% sold on the market, but it works well enough. I would make sure to cast builders degree for 1 more often than amplified.
Omniscience should definitely be adjusted. Is this the best version of the omniscience deck? I don't think so, there is likely a better color combination. Perhaps Elysian or Feln.
No changes to the deck so far. I have been thinking about giving
Working Together a test in this deck, but to be honest, the current list has been pretty stellar so far. I have been easily able to keep a Top 5 ladder rank with very few games a day. Primarily on the back of being easily over 90% win rate.
Since a bit of a discussion started below, I might as well share my opinion. The deck is not a control deck, it's not meant to have answers to everything. If you are playing this deck, you should treat yourself as the aggressor, pushing for as much damage as you can, while you set up omni - and you only need it to go off once. You sandbag jarral post omni to clean up. That's it, that's all we're trying to do here. The number of permafrosts is not important, it removes one blocker. Nothing it going under builder's decree, because you are casting it for 1 90% of the time. You're not needing many hails, because you play it in a way that it clears out some of their board and almost none of yours.
That aside, what are bad matchups for a deck like this? Things that both out-tempo you and can go taller, praxis recruit comes to mind. You do rely on your units a lot, so if we are playing against a control deck, have to be more thoughtful on how much we over extend, though check raise and decree are there for this too. Decree in fact should be used to prevent your opponent from having good turn 2-4s, it's meant to just be a small annoyance to create a constraint on resources. Everything to push that advantage before playing Omni.
Ladder these days is a bit of a joke, so me maintaining more than a 90% win rate, in a ccg that includes chance, should tell you somethings. I wouldn't get too hung up on the rank, but going 16-1 yesterday took me from 13th to 12th. This morning I woke up and I was 10th. So, rank going up and down is a bit whatever these days on how high mmr players gain points vs newer folks.
Vision of austerity has felt like the least needed card, and may need another counterspell in the market or perhaps something generically good.
I think Vision of Austerity is just one of those cards where you're like, hmm I'm Hooru, and have a market so VoA it is! Like it's just a staple and I would have put the exact same thing. And I can see wanting a another counter spell too . Cheap counterspells work crazy well here. Maybe even that 2 cost one that hunts. For funsies. Beastly Disruption. Or Royal Decree. Would even for the "Decree".theme 😝 but I'm sure you'll pick something good.
I guess I'm stuck on the cast B Decree at 5 or more mindset. Ugh the wasted potential as a 1 drop. I get that though, here it works. HERE, everything is just weird. Kinda a combo deck and they're kinda like that. For lack of a deeper description.
Beastly is what I was thinking of replacing vision with, and you're right about the auto include and see later. Although Royal decree along side builder's decree sounds pretty interesting.
It does feel like kind of a combo deck in that it's all in on Omni. Probably also why I like playing this version more than the Elysian.
I dunno, a Skycrag version playing Grenadan Drone.and Grenadan land would love Unstable Form.
Did you make a Skycrag one? 😝
You did! Yes but this says there's so many branches to this deck.. so many directions and ways to go. Tough playing 2 Bores main in that one. Great card for the deck but it's like, ya gonna draw it when ya need it?😅 [/edit]
Or perhaps even another one?
I think they are both about equal. Elysian can deal with a wider field of decks, but the power is worse. I prefer the way the Hooru deck plays, based on my preferences. Ely has better catch-up mechanisms in the deck, vs Hooru trying to be completely ahead on tempo the whole game.
I think there are probably stronger decks overall that have omniscience. The problem is that Omni is such a warping card, that I think it would take multiple tournaments of competitive play to even get close to it. It's worth revisiting every deck that touches primal.