Just made Master with this slapped together pile of jank. I finally crafted a set of Ahled, Mount Breaker, and wanted to try making every good unit twice as good. Then I just started winning games.
The deck itself is pretty straightforward. Basically you just play a good suite of efficient beefy bois in the game with a decent removal and silence suite in
Valkyrie Enforcer, and
Desert Marshal to slow the game down.
Azindel, Revealed can provide late game card advantage, and in tandem with
Helici can even deck out the opponent in extreme situations (no, this is not a hypothetical; it actually happened in a game).
Sword of Unity protects units, gets back life lost early in the game, and break through mild board stalls. Beyond that,
Sandstorm Titan,
Inquisitor Makto, and of course Ahled, Mount Breaker, the crazy scorpion rider that started it all, are just real good cards. They're great bodies with something extra on top and they can all work to each other's benefit. Finally,
Dark Return, well, returns stuff since the deck is so unit-heavy.
No market here. Merchants are too weak to fit the Ahled plan. The only units smaller than 5 power absolutely need to be there to smooth out the curve and provide better utility than spending an extra turn on market cards.