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Argenport Moo Cowz

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Can't milk this


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
19 18 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
18 9 32 10

Card Types
22 10 23 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


January 27, 2019


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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Peligrad Eternal Version: 1.42.3
Two suggestions: 1 rather than sitting back passively and casting removal to get through the early game, why not put some aggression into your deck? Hojan is in your colors and is the best 2 drop agro unit in the game. His life steal will mitigate a lot more than annihilate will prevent. If they want to shut down hojan you're going to be pulling removal out of your opponent's hand and forcing him to spend power on defense rather than aggressively... Even pulling a torch out of his hand to pop hojan means that torch isn't pointed at your face, which might just be the difference between stabilizing or not against aggro. And you're already setup to trigger Hojan's renown with vanquisher's blade and vara's favor. Vara's favor on your own Hojun is a solid play. You get a sigil into play, a sigil in your hand, gain 3 life and deal 2 extra damage to something and hojan gets +1 extra life on that attack.
Second thing I recommend is looking at fur hat. Fur hat would be a powerhouse in this deck. It instantly draws a sigil to get you to 4-7 power where the fun stuff happens and giving Interrogator +1/+1 is all it needs. That turns it into a card draw engine while also getting it above 3 hp and out of torch range. If you decide to run Hojan, it's the best 3 cost equipment for hojan IMO because it garauntees that you hit the turn 4 power drop for his next attack since it draws a sigil plus it activates his renown, plus it gives him +1 toughness to get him out of range of vara's favor and snowball.
HugTrain Edited Eternal Version: 1.42.3
Hey Peligrad (cool name, btw),

Hojan is a great card and you make a good point about drawing out enemy silences and removal. I'm currently testing a version with him in place of two annihilates, and the two Grinvas. This change takes the top of the curve down to 5 which means its possible to swap out the lost scrolls for Cull to get the enhanced consistency that a second set of draw cards bring to a decklist. We need it too, because the removal is now pretty light. Also since we have upped the unit count to 26, Harsh Rule makes less sense. Possibly Slay would be better with Hojan added. I'll test that too.

Fur Hat is a fun outlier card that is too expensive for what it does. I can't see replacing any of the existing weapons to make space for it. if any weapons want to be on this list it is Inquisitor's Blade or Thief's Pick either of them would provide the units is this decklist with much needed evasion in our new world of Sites. Thanks for checking out the deck!
Peligrad Edited Eternal Version: 1.42.3
I think it all depends on what you're looking for. With your current market setup, I agree.

If you toss a Telut and a Chains in your market though, that would change everything because suddenly hitting 7 or 8 power is a win condition that can be very hard to stop even when you know it's coming.

Hat is a perfect card if you're looking for early game renown procs and just trying to get to 5+ power quickly and consistently. It's a zero risk weapon unlike almost every other weapon which can be setting yourself up for a 2 for 1 because you get the sigil. Provided that you can use the sigil, you used a card to get a card and also improved your board position. In the case of hojan and interrogator, it's a card that gives you two cards, effectively making it an even better green wisdom of the elders.

Pulling sigils out of your deck is very powerful for mid to late game decks as well. The decklist that I use consistently pulls all the justice sigils and almost all the shadow sigils out of the deck. This is typically 8-12 cards out of the remaining 30 or so that I don't want to draw on my draw step. Greatly increasing your chances of pulling your good stuff off the top.
Peligrad Eternal Version: 1.42.3;5-86:4;5-208:4;4-112:4;0-35:4;1002-13:4;5-88:4;5-210:4;1-157:3;2-236:4;4-220:3;1004-19:4;1002-18:4;1-126:7;1-249:6;2-231:4;3-264:4;0-55:4;&market=1-143:1;1-172:1;2-242:1;1004-12:1;5-110:1;

Here's the list that I've brewed up. It's something I'm still working on, but it's showing a lot of promise. I've been creaming people in casual and I'm confident enough with where I'll probably take it into ranked in the next couple days.

I'd love to have feedback on it if you'd be willing to give it a try.