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Masters Rakano Valks (now with more units!)

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This is the deck that took me to Masters (for the first time!). A lot of it is the standard Rakano Valkyries archetype (Bulletshaper + Privilege of Rank, Icaria, Valkyrie Captain, Rizahn, Greatbow Master, Icaria, the Liberator) that needs no explanation.

My twist on the deck is that I have focused more heavily on units, many of which are missing in other variants. As I played with the deck, I found that I struggled most against control decks that would wipe out my early Rizahn/big Icaria and then use their win-con on me after I ran out of steam. To combat this, I focused on aggressive 3-4 drops with lifesteal (Whirling Duo and Unseen Commando) and aegis (Sheriff Marley) in order to draw out removal spells before I played my big-hitters. Marley's ability to create chump blockers also helps a lot against Praxis Tokens and big Alessi's.

This focus led me to remove the standard Valkyrie Enforcer since I often didn't have any good silence targets against slower decks. Similarly, I removed Harsh Rule from the main deck. Before doing so, I was usually unhappy to draw it and wished for something more proactive, and most of the times when I did play it just delayed the inevitable loss a bit longer.

Lastly, Deepforged Plate is a godsend in the market. The opponent is rarely prepared for it as it makes for an unexpectedly large swing, and it can stop Tokens dead in its tracks. It also gives you something to draw when you can't afford big Icaria. It works especially well with Marley or anyone with lifesteal.



Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
18 19 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 15 25 15

Card Types
34 3 18 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


August 31, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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Sicba Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Hey, Im a newish player and got 2 Icarias from packs so Icaria Rakano is a somewhat obvious choice for a deck :D
I have a few questions, as I have limited pool of cards, whats the order of crafting cards (legends)?
I dont have any Rizahns or Amilis, which would you suggest to craft first, one of both, set of one then another, which order?
I have cards from 2 campaigns (dont have Jekk campaign) so for now Im playing with 4 Crimson Firemaws and 1 Soulfire drake.
bondsdw Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Nice pulls with the Icarias! Get four Icarias first, then craft a full set of Rizahn. Amilli is good, but Rizahn and Icaria are the core of the deck. Some versions of this deck don't include any copies of Amilli, but they all have Rizahn. Search for decks that include Icaria and Rizahn to see all the different possibilities with them. In particular, there are more control-oriented decks that use those two as finishers.

If you stick with my build, I'd probably recommend replacing Amilli with either Valkyrie Spireguard or Silverwing Commander, with preference probably going to the Spireguard. If you include him, though, you'll probably want to also replace Unseen Commando with Valkyrie Enforcer to increase your total number of valkyries. And if you don't want to craft either of them, Crimson Firemaw is a darn good card and would probably be fine to leave in there, even if he doesn't synergize with the valkyrie theme.
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 1.37.4
After finally playing a ton of games with a banner in the market, I have to ask, why no banner in the market? I fully appreciate and agree with everything except the privilege, but a lot of these rakano lists lately have been lacking a banner.
bondsdw Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Generally, the combination of Crests + Banners + Seats + Seek Power + Bulletshaper + little Icaria buff means that you have no problem reaching the required 3F/3J influence or seven power in a timely manner. In my experience, it's far more common to get power flooded than power screwed, so it's very rare that I pull Privilege of Rank from the market because of a lack of power. And my version of the deck usually has units to play on turn 3-4 so that being "stuck" on 3-4 power for a few turns isn't a problem. So I don't really feel the need for an extra power in the market. Instead, Privilege of Rank is mainly there in case it's a) early in the game, and b) I have Bulletshaper and a big Valkyrie in hand but no PoR. The Bulletshaper + PoR combo is so good (especially if it's big Icaria) that it's worth keeping the piece in the market. I've even put basic sigils into the market so that I could replace them with PoR for this exact purpose. Also, the extra spell brings you another step closer to Rizahn's lifesteal requirement.
Kubi Eternal Version: 1.37.4
why only 3 rizahns? card's great
bondsdw Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Partly because the decrease in spells means that Rizahn is less likely to get lifesteal, partly to ensure that I have something proactive to play on curve on turns 3-4. He is a great card, though, so I would be fine subtracting one smaller unit (probably Unseen Commando?) for him.
senguku Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Looks like a good list, and grats on Masters. Did you experiment with Rolant's Choice at all?
Ninjacan Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Rolants choice is fantastic. I play almost the same list, but with valk enforcer over commando. Not only does it protect your big threats from removal, but a lot of control decks play scirpion wasp to combat icaria, the -3 power mode shuts that down as well. Check out the list by Bruisedbygod
senguku Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Sorry, meant Rolant's Intervention.
bondsdw Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Thanks! No, I never did try it out, but it would certainly be a good fit in the deck. The flexibility of combat trick or protection is nice. The problem is what to get rid of for it? I'm not sure, to be honest. And I'd think it would be a x2 at most, since you'd never want to have two in your hand. Perhaps I should throw one in and see how it goes.